- Истории для детей
- Просмотров: 1019
How the Moon Became Beautiful
The Moon is very beautiful with his round, bright face which shines with soft and gentle light on all the world of man.
The Moon is very beautiful with his round, bright face which shines with soft and gentle light on all the world of man.
ONCE upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were— Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter.
Far out in the ocean the water is as blue as the petals of the loveliest cornflower, and as clear as the purest glass.
The Tortoise And The Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow.
Long, long ago, there lived in the province of Shinshin in Japan, a traveling monkey-man, who earned his living by taking round a monkey and showing off the animal's tricks.
There was once a queen who had no children, and it grieved her sorely.
A Lion lay asleep in the forest, his great head resting on his paws.
Once upon a time there lived a poor widow and her son Jack.
A shoemaker, by no fault of his own, had become so poor that at last he had nothing left but leather for one pair of shoes.
At the hole where he went in
Red-Eye called to Wrinkle-Skin.
ONE day, the cook went into the kitchen to make some gingerbread.
Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by every one who looked at her,
ONCE there was a gentleman who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen.
Once upon a time there was an old mother pig who had three little pigs and not enough food to feed them.
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